CoHearts is now accepting TeleHealth Speech Clients
Please contact me to set up your consultation today!
CoHearts is pleased to roll out CoHearts S.H.A.R.E.
Medical professionals and parents both see the drastic shift in children’s social and emotional well-being as we’ve gotten into the depth of COVID-19 restrictions. Although the adjustment has been a task, we don’t have to count socialization totally out at this time. Instruction does not have to be limited to lecture-style learning.with rigid requirements.
CoHearts takes a re-imagined approach to learning by letting the children lead. Using the digital media platform of ZOOM, each child will have an opportunity to be the “share person.” They will present to the group about something they find amazing and answer any questions each child may have. Parents will gently guide their child with presenting and answering questions with models.
Each child will benefit by learning from their peers and being exposed to friends from around our global community. They will increase social skills and oral expression.Parents will be able to assess what their child is learning by what they are able to share. It’s a win, win!
Contact CoHearts for enrollment today!
Arlington DFW Child Care Providers Association
I loved training this wonderful team;Thanks Jerletha McDonald! I’m looking forward to more opportunities to connect and build a seamless approach to serving our children that fosters their wellness across every setting. Early Educators Rock!
Presentation Topic: SLPs' Role in Building Safer Communities Through Collaborative Discourse
I was so honored to have been chosen to present at our 2019 American Speech Language and Hearing Association’s Convention in Orlando, Florida. It doesn’t stop there, we’re gong onward and upwards!
Who needs a Speech-Language Pathologist?
Find out what a Speech-Language Pathologist can provide for you.
2019 Dallas Police Department Health and Safety Fair
CoHearts is ALL about partnerships within the community to help spread awareness concerning individuals with communication disorders and intellectual disabilities.
Disability Awareness Training with Dallas ISD PD
Officer Paul Cuara and his amazing officers
2019 Dallas Police Department Health and Safety Fair